Friday, February 11, 2011

* Pataya Fried Rice *


2 cups of cooked rice (prefer cold overnight rice)

1/2 cup of green peas

1 piece of chicken breast - cut small

1 carrots - cubes

1/2 cup of red or yellow peppers - cut small

2 small chillies - finely chopped

2 shallots - finely slice

2 cloves garlic - finely chopped

2 table spoon of tomato ketchup

table spoon of fish sauce

salt and pepper to taste

2 eggs - beaten (for omelet)

3 table spoon of olive oil

Kitchen Utensil

 Cutting board


 Rice Cooker 

Frying Pan


Non Stick Pan


Table Spoons



Fork and Spoon

How To Cook Fried Rice Pataya

1)Heat up frying pan with a bit of oil. Add in shallots and garlic and stir fry until lightly brown and fragrant.
2) Add in chicken, carrot, peas, peppers and chillies and stir fry for 2 minutes. Make sure the vegetables is soft and the meat is cooked.
3) At this point add in the rice. Continue to stir fry until all ingredients are thoroughly mix. Add in ketchup, fish sauce, salt and pepper to taste to taste.
4) Fry for another 2 minutes and check seasoning. Dish out and set it a side.

5) In clean non-stick pan brush a bit of oil to it. Make the omelet and   flip it over once the bottom side is lightly brown.

6) Put in a bowl of the fried rice at the center of the omelet and wrap up the 4 edges and flip it over a serving plate. Serve with some slice cucumber and tomato.
 Pataya Fried Rice


Good Luck to Try This Recipe

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